July 12, 2017

Rep. Correa’s Cybersecurity Amendments Pass The House

Washington, D.C.—Today Congressman Correa National Defense Authorization Act amendments passed the House. Rep. Correa’s amendments work to improve America’s cybersecurity and further protect the United States from cyber-attacks.

Rep. Correa said:

“World War III is raging right now. Every day attacks are being carried out and we need to be prepared. My amendments are about creating the procedures necessary to keep our infrastructure, our networks, and our data safe from our adversaries.”

Congressman Correa’s Amendments are as follows:

Cyber Attack Reporting by the Department of Defense

An amendment to require the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence, to provide Congress a report on any attempts to attack Department of Defense systems within the past 24 months by the Russian Federation or actors supported by the Russian Federation.

Creating a Presidential Offensive Cybersecurity Strategy

An amendment to require the Department of Defense to update its cyber strategy; to require the President to develop a strategy for the offensive use of cyber capabilities; and to allow for technical assistance to North Atlantic Treaty Organization members.


151. Rep. Correa Refuses To Scapegoat Immigrants And Make Communities Less Safe

June 28, 2017


Washington, D.C.—Today Congressman Correa announced his strong opposition to the H.R. 3003—No Sanctuary for Criminal Act and H.R. 3004—Kate’s Law.

Rep. Correa said,

“These two devastating anti-immigrant bills actually hurt our police officers’ ability to keep communities safe, demonize immigrants, and undermine the constitution. If you come to America with hatred in your heart and an intent to do harm, then there is no place for you in America. Sadly, these bills do not distinguish between felons and families whose only crime is being here undocumented, branding millions of hard working taxpayers as criminals.”