June 14, 2017


Washington, D.C.—Rep. Lou Correa participated in a full committee markup to reauthorize the Department of Homeland Security. The Congressman offered nine amendments, eight of which passed.

Congressman Correa said:

Combating drug traffickers should be one of the United States’ top priorities. Canines and the Coast Guard Interdiction Teams are two of the best tools we have to stop drugs being smuggled across our borders. Rather than wasting $20 billion on a wall that does nothing to curb the flow of drugs from overseas, we need to invest in proven methods that keep drugs out.

Included in these amendments are:

  • An amendment to authorize additional canine teams to combat drug smuggling across the Unites States’ border. Rather than spending billions on building a wall that cannot stop vehicle smuggled narcotics, this amendment invests in economic and effective drug detection canines.

  • An amendment to increase resource allocation to the Coast Guard. Currently due to a lack of resources, the Coast Guard is only able to interdict 30% of detected maritime drug traffickers. An overwhelming majority of drugs come through our ports. My amendment will give the Coast Guard the resources necessary to stop drugs from ever reaching our shores.

  • As he did in the California State Legislature, Rep. Correa continues to fight for taxpayer equity for the residents of Orange County. Rep. Correa filed an amendment to make John Wayne Airport a port of entry, saving international travelers money and making the airport more competitive; however, the amendment was not accepted. Rep. Correa will continue to fight to give Orange County the airport it deserves.