September 11, 2017

This Week From DC

Issue 36 // September 3–9, 2017

Welcome back after a long recess.

A weekly update for constituents and stakeholders on what Congressman Lou Correa is doing for the people of California’s 46th District. For daily updates make sure to check our Facebook and Twitter feeds. Subscribe to our Medium for for daily releases, and to read previous issues of “This Week From DC.” Newsletter subscription is here. Send an email here to subscribe to our press list.

And here’s a summary of the week!

This week Congressman Correa:

DACA has ended

  • On Tuesday, the Trump Administration announced the end to DACA. This is a devastation move. Read my statement here.

I was on ABC 7 News

  • I spoke out for our DREAMers and explained why these young people are great for America. Watch the video here.

Joined Members of Congressional Hispanic Caucus to speak in defense of our Veterans

  • I joined my colleagues to speak out against the immoral decision to end DACA and open 800,000 hard working young people to deportation. Watch the video here.

I Joined Rep. Gutierrez and Grijalva to demand action on DACA

  • I joined Rep. Gutierrez and Grijalva as long with United We Dream and Indivisible to demand action on DACA. Watch it here.

I was on Perspectiva Nacional to talk about DACA

  • I joined Rep. Gutierrez to talk about DACA and what legislative options excise to protect DREAMers.

Legislative Update:

Omnibus Bill

  • The House passed multiple appropriations bills.

Department Of Homeland Security Amendments

  • My amendment to invest $10 million dollars in Drug Detection Canine Teams was passed. This will allow Border Patrol to find and stop more illicit narcotics from entering the United States.

Great stories from the week:

FOXNews Politics // Republicans eye legislative fix as Trump ends DACA; Dems blast decision

I spoke in defense of DACA and our DREAMers.

LA Times // Trump’s decision on the ‘Dreamers’ is personal for some Californians in Congress

“I told them that they needed to pursue their education,” Correa said. “I told them, ‘Let me fight the fight for you in Washington. That’s my job. Let me do that, I want you to focus on education, I need you to study hard.’”


Check back next week for more updates from DC.