May 17, 2019

Rep. Lou Correa Grieves Over Death Of Migrant Child. Calls For Greater Involvement In Central America To Save Lives

Calls For Greater Involvement In Central America To Save Lives

Washington, DC - Congressman Lou Correa (D-CA-46) released the following statement regarding the death of a 2 1/2 year old Guatemalan child migrant.

Rep. Correa said, “I am devastated that yet another young life has been lost at our southern border. It is imperative that the United States swiftly engage with our Central American neighbors. Until counties like Guatemala and El Salvador are able to protect their own citizens, we will continue to see refugees fleeing to our country.

“However, we must also treat the refugees arriving at our borders with respect and dignity. These fleeing families travel thousands of miles to find safety, but under this Administration’s guidance the are treated and housed as prisoners rather than refugees deeply in need of help.

“When I last visited Guatemala, I heard a simple and consistent theme from the people. They want hope and fleeing to America is the only hope for them and their families. By engaging with them in their communities we can bring hope back to Central America and help prevent further tragedies at our southern border.”

Rep. Lou Correa represents California’s 46th Congressional District. He serves as Chair of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security, and as the Vice Chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet. Read more here.