January 27, 2023


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Representative Lou Correa (CA-46) voted against a Republican-led effort designed to significantly weaken a critical energy security tool, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), that would result in more oil supply shortages and higher gas prices for working families. The so-called Strategic Production Response Act would significantly weaken America’s ability to take decisive action to increase supply and lower prices in times of crisis—hurting hard working American families in the process.

“While working families here in Orange County and across the country are facing skyrocketing energy costs, it would be financially irresponsible and morally corrupt to hamstring one of the most effective tools we have to drive those costs down,” said Rep. Correa. “Make no mistake: this legislation will jeopardize our energy security and increase prices at the pump—here in Orange County, and across the country.”

Use of the SPR has been essential to protecting our energy security and to lowering gas prices for Americans. Following Putin’s further invasion of Ukraine last year, President Biden authorized the largest-ever emergency release from the SPR, in coordination with historic releases from allies and partners.  The results speak for themselves: today, gasoline prices are $1.60 per gallon lower than their peak this summer and below their pre-invasion levels.

“Amidst rising costs across the board, the last thing we should do is employ an economic scheme that will raise costs at the gas pump by blocking important, ongoing efforts to lower oil prices in the wake of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine,” Correa concluded. “I’ll always put the interests of Main Street over Wall Street, and I won’t stop fighting until we find real, bipartisan solutions to lower costs for the American people.”
