July 28, 2017

Rep. Correa Ready For Bipartisan Solutions To Improve Affordable Care Act

Washington, D.C.—Following the defeat of the Senate’s “Skinny Repeal,” Congressman Lou Correa redoubled his calls for bipartisan solutions to improve the Affordable Care Act. Since his swearing in, Rep. Correa has called for Democrats and Republicans to come together and fix healthcare for all Americans.

Rep. Correa said, “I strongly support the Affordable Care Act. For millions of Americans, the ACA provided better and more affordable care, but I recognize that—for some—there is still work to be done. I urge my Republican colleagues to join us in fixing these flaws and creating a bipartisan system that works for every American. Healthcare is too important to be politicized. America is counting on us.”

Rep. Correa praised Rep. DeGette for identifying ten areas where Republicans and Democrats can begin working together.

Rep. DeGette’s Ten Areas for Bipartisan Discussion are:

  • Reducing premiums;

  • Reducing deductibles and other forms of cost-sharing;

  • Providing more relief for small and mid-sized businesses;

  • Facilitating more competition and choice between health plans;

  • Making health plans easier to understand and compare;

  • Increasing transparency in pricing across the health system;

  • Preventing surprise medical bills;

  • Providing more relief from high drug prices;

  • Building adequate provider networks; and

  • Increasing access to primary care, especially in rural, remote, and underserved areas.

Rep. Correa looks forward to working with his colleagues to improve our healthcare system and ensure every American has access to quality affordable care.