July 14, 2017

Rep. Correa Introduces Resolution Recognizing Vietnamese Americans Contributions

Washington, D.C.—Today Congressman Lou Correa, Representative Alan Lowenthal, Representative Stephanie Murphy, Representative Zoe Lofgren, Representative Barbara Comstock, and Representative Jim McGovern introduced a resolution recognizing the accomplishments and contributions of Vietnamese Americans.

Rep. Lou Correa said, “In light of the difficult and often tragic circumstances faced by Vietnamese refugees who came to the United States, it is my desire to recognize the accomplishments of Vietnamese Americans and the extraordinary contributions they have made to our nation.” He continued, “They have built a home in the United States and became a deep part of our society. We are a better nation because of the brave refugees who chose to make the United States their home.”

Rep. Alan Lowenthal said, “It has been 42 years since the Fall of Saigon and the start of a journey to freedom for so many Vietnamese Americans. We must acknowledge their courage, commitment and determination in their pursuit of a better life for their families. We must also honor their continued strength in forging a new life in a foreign land. Today, the economic and cultural contributions that Vietnamese Americans have made to our country abounds. The continuing contributions they make on a daily basis to our nation enriches the fabric of our American tapestry.”

Rep. Zoe Lofgren said, “In the 1980’s under President Ronald Reagan, the United States resettled hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese refugees, at times taking in more than 10,000 per month. In my congressional district and across the country we are vastly enriched by refugees from Vietnam. The largest number of Vietnamese Americans in the United States in the city of San Jose have created a tremendous business environment, raised wonderful children, and become a very valued, integral part of our community.”