September 07, 2017

Rep. Correa Fights To Protect Our Communities From The Scourge Of Drugs

Washington, DC—Congressman Correa passionately fought to protect our communities from drug traffickers and dangerous narcotics. His amendment would have provided the US Coast Guard with more ships to stop drug smugglers at sea, but was defeated in favor of funding ICE’s continued assault on hard-working families.

The House did pass Rep. Correa’s amendment to slow drug smugglers at our border by increase funding for additional drug detection canines teams.

Rep. Correa said,

“Drugs are a scourge. We know they are coming in through our seas and our ports. Last year, nearly 600 vessels got away because the Coast Guard lacks the resources it needs to stop them. My amendment would have provided them with the ships they need to keep poisons off our streets.

I fail to understand why the House refuses to prioritize securing our oceans, instead pouring more money to target hard-working families. By stopping my amendment the House allowed the real bad hombres to get away.”