September 18, 2024


WASHINGTON  Today, Representative Lou Correa (CA-46) voted against the flawed GOP continuing resolution (CR) and released the following statement:

“The VA is facing a $12 billion shortfall and Congress isn’t fulfilling its duty to deliver medical care for our nation’s veterans. This critical funding was left out of the CR. 

Instead, my colleagues tied a flawed piece of voter suppression legislation to this false attempt to keep the government funded. Rather than supporting our veterans, this legislation would make it extremely difficult for millions of Americans to vote, barring them from using photo identification like drivers’ licenses and military IDs alone to prove their identity when registering to vote.

I cannot vote for legislation that will harm our nation’s veterans—while supporting a brazen voter suppression tactic. I call on my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to put political gamesmanship aside and pass clean government spending bills that will fully fund our veteran services, protect our constituents, and keep our government open for its citizens.”