September 12, 2024


Correa’s Effort Secured House-Passage, Awaits Senate Action

WASHINGTON Last month, Representative Lou Correa (CA-46) sent a letter to Senator Tom Carper, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, urging him to include Correa’s House-passed language modifying the scope and impact of the Santa Ana River Mainstem Project (Project) in the Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA). Specifically, the language that Correa authored requires a change be made to the Project to minimize the impacts on existing trees downstream of the I-5 Interstate Highway. Per Correa’s request, this change also has the support of both Senators Alex Padilla (D-CA) and Laphonza Butler (D-CA).

After working alongside his colleagues on both sides of the aisle, as well as following exhaustive community input and collaboration with the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), Correa’s request was included in the House-passed WRDA (H.R. 8812, Section 316). Now it awaits Senate passage and signing into law by the President.

Thousands of trees lie in and adjacent to the Creek channel in the section from the Freeway to the confluence of the Creek with the River on both public and private lands, and serve several critical functions for the community. Without his language, Correa writes, “the proposal would drastically and permanently disrupt the area, directly harming the residents and wildlife that inhabit the area.” 

BACKGROUND: Members of the community have shared their concerns with Orange County Public Works and the Corps through numerous written communications, including individual letters, neighborhood letters, submissions in response to the Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, through verbal communications at multiple public forums held at Correa’s request, and through a petition opposing the project that has garnered thousands of signatures. Notably, the community is strongly supportive of Correa’s language included in Section 316 of the House-passed WRDA bill.

“The included language will enable the Corps to develop a new plan that ‘minimizes the impacts to existing trees in or adjacent to the channel’ before moving forward with construction,” Correa concluded. “This is a simple request that reflects the wishes of my constituents and residents who are directly affected.”

You can read the full text of Correa’s letter to Senator Carper HERE.
