Washington, D.C. — Today, Congressman Lou Correa (D-CA) issued the following statement following his Coast Guard flight over the coastal Orange County oil spill:
Rep. Lou Correa said: “Today, as part of an inspection with the Coast Guard, I had a first-hand view of the devastation of the oil spill off of Orange County’s coast. I am calling for a comprehensive investigation from relevant federal agencies to look into how and why the pipeline failed. There have been news reports about an anchor causing the damage, but we need to know if that is the case or if there were other structural problems that may cause another rupture in the future. Additionally, we must make sure that our US Coast Guard has the resources for the early detection of oil spills. We need answers to protect our precious natural resources – our ocean, wildlife, and public health.”
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Contact: Marysol.Ibarra@mail.house.gov, 202-302-3036