October 18, 2019

Weekly Wrap Up

Week of October 13 - 19

It has been a busy week back home in Orange County! This week we held eight different constituent coffee meetings across four cities, getting a chance to hear from all members of our community. These events allow us to talk with people from all over Garden Grove, Santa Ana, Orange, and Anaheim. Congressman Correa also spoke at the Kiwanis Club of Santa Ana. We have kept our schedule full and are looking forward to being back in Washington next week to apply everything we have learned from constituents during the district work period.

This week, House Democrats voted for: 

H.J. Res. 77 – Opposes President Trump’s decision to end certain U.S. efforts to prevent Turkish military operations against Syrian Kurdish forces in Northeast Syria.

  • Calls on the United States to continue supporting Syrian Kurdish communities through humanitarian support, including to those displaced or otherwise affected by ongoing violence in Syria.

  • Calls on the United States to work to ensure that the Turkish military acts with restraint and respects existing agreements relating to Syria.

  • Calls on the White House to present a clear and specific plan for the enduring defeat of ISIS. 

H.R. 1815 – Protects retail investors by ensuring that disclosures intended to inform them actually do so by requiring the SEC to test its documents with retail investors through one-on-one interviews and surveys.

  • Requires, before finalizing any new disclosure intended for retail investors, the SEC to reach out to mom-and-pop investors and test those disclosures. 

  • Requires the SEC to test these disclosures over a reasonable period given that existing disclosures may be outdated and unused.

H.R. 3624 – Amends the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to require the disclosure of the total number of domestic and foreign employees of certain public companies.

  • Requires public companies to include in their public, annual reports the number of employees they and their subsidiaries have in each state and foreign country.

  • Provides insight on the outsourcing practices of public companies and allows shareholders to hold companies accountable for keeping jobs in the United States.

  • Emerging growth companies, newly public companies with revenues below a specified threshold, will be exempt from the disclosure requirement.

Catch Us In The News

What We’re Reading

Looking Ahead

Next week the House is back in session.

Check back next week to learn more about how Congressman Correa is fighting for Orange County.