September 27, 2019

Weekly Wrap Up

Week of September 22 - 28

Weekly Wrap-Up

After the latest revelations about the President’s phone call with the President of Ukraine, Congressman Lou Correa joined House Democrats to support the beginning of an investigation into President Donald Trump. No one, not even the President, is above the law. Current allegations against the President are both credible and deeply disturbing. As a co-equal branch of government, it is necessary that Congress works to honor our oath to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic 

While working to begin an impeachment inquiry, House Democrats were also able to vote on a number of other critical issues. House Democrats remain committed to protecting children and families from appalling conditions and cruel treatment at our southern border. The House voted this week to ensure more accountability, transparency, and oversight of activities at the border and to ensure that children and families receive the medical care they need. Also, the House and the Senate voted to terminate the “national emergency” President Trump declared in order to divert funds from essential military construction projects to build a wasteful and unnecessary border wall.

This Week’s Votes

This week, House Democrats passed:

H.R. 1595 – Prohibits federal regulators from taking punitive measures against depository institutions that provide banking services to legitimate cannabis-related business and ancillary businesses (e.g. electricians, plumbers, landlords, etc.) that serve them.

  • Prohibits bank regulators from directing a bank to close an account for reputational reasons.

  • Establishes a safe harbor for depository institutions that provide banking services to cannabis-related businesses that maintain a state or local government license.

  • Extends the safe harbor to legitimate hemp-related business and requires guidance from federal banking regulators for financial institutions that choose to serve hemp businesses.

  • Requires a GAO study and annual regulatory reports to Congress to ensure there is equal access to credit and to reduce barriers to marketplace entry for potential and existing minority-owned and women-owned cannabis-related businesses.

H.Res. 576 – Expresses the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to the whistleblower complaint of August 12, 2019, made to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community.

  • Resolves that the whistleblower complaint should be transmitted immediately to the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives. 

H.R. 2203 – Establishes the position of Ombudsman, also known as an official appointed to investigate complaints against maladministration, for Border and Immigration Enforcement Related Concerns in the Department of Homeland Security.

  • Uses an independent, neutral, and confidential process to assist individuals with complaints against ICE and CBP.

  • Requires annual reporting on officer training and the numbers and types of complaints.

  • Creates the position of Border Community Liaison in each U.S. Border Patrol sector to promote consultation and cooperation between border communities, ICE, and CBP.

  • Establishes a Border Oversight Panel to identify trends and solve systemic problems with policies, strategies, and programs.

  • Mandates the use of a tracking number system on a single interoperable interface to track children who have been separated from their guardians.

  • Requires ICE and CBP officers to wear body cameras.

H.R. 3525 – Requires the Department of Homeland Security to conduct research to improve medical screenings of individuals, particularly vulnerable populations, in CBP custody, and establish an electronic health record system.

  • Directs the Department of Homeland Security to consult with experts to research improving medical screening procedures at border facilities, particularly for children, pregnant women, the elderly, and other vulnerable populations.

  • Requires the Department of Homeland Security to create an electronic health record system accessible at all DHS facilities on the borders to track the medical records of individuals in custody and to ensure that valuable medical screening information will follow children and adults as they are transferred to other DHS facilities. 

S.J.Res. 54 – A joint resolution terminating the “national emergency” declared by President Trump to build his wall.

  • Seeks to terminate Trump’s national emergency, which he declared with no factual basis after Congress refused to appropriate the money he wanted for a border wall.

  • Prevents the diversion of money from military construction projects throughout the country and around the world that are vital for our national security and the welfare of servicemembers and their families.

  • The Senate passed the joint resolution earlier in the week, so House passage sends it to the President’s desk.

Catch Us In The News

What We’re Reading

Looking Ahead

Democrats are still working towards lowering prescription drug prices, ensuring our elections are free and safe, and fighting to protect our environment so that our children can live the same future we enjoyed. 

Don’t forget to join Congressman Correa at one of his upcoming community coffee events! Check the full list here.

Check back next week to learn more about how Congressman Correa is fighting for Orange County.