April 21, 2021

Correa Votes For DC Statehood

Congress Votes To Admit Washington D.C. As 51st State

Washington, DC — Today, Congressman Lou Correa released the following statement following a historic vote to admit the District of Columbia as the United State’s 51st state:

“Our country was founded on the basis that taxation without representation is tyranny. Today Congress took the first step to ensure the people of Washington, D.C. finally get the representation they have been denied.

“Washington, D.C. is more than just our nation’s capital. It is a vibrant city with a population that exceeds that of Vermont and Wyoming and rivals North Dakota and Alaska. More than 700,000 American citizens are denied their vote in the very Congress that convenes miles from their homes.

“The founding fathers fought a revolution to ensure every citizen would have their voice heard. It is time we listened to the people of Washington, DC.” 


Rep. Lou Correa represents California's 46th Congressional District. He serves as Chair of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Management, and Accountability, and is a Member of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Agriculture Committee. Read more here.