April 25, 2022

Rep. Correa Leads Bipartisan Letter Calling For Resources for Homelessness in Orange County

WASHINGTON, DC Today, Congressman Correa (CA-46), a member of the Congressional Homelessness Caucus, led a bipartisan letter in support of the creation of an umbrella organization to provide and coordinate resources to Orange County’s homeless population. Housing for Health Orange County, Inc. (HHOC) will provide administrative and financial support to access Medi-Cal billing through CalOptima for four Orange County homeless service providers: Mercy House, Friendship Shelter, American Family Housing, Jamboree


Rep Correa said, “Orange County’s homelessness crisis requires a community-wide approach. It is critical that we speed the review of applications in order to ensure that our homeless service providers receive the funding they need. Despite the fact that our community in Orange County is still recovering from the pandemic, my top goal is to work with my colleagues in Congress to provide the services and resources necessary to aid our homeless population.”


Background: The letter supports HHOC’s request to the Internal Revenue Service for an expedited review of its application to obtain Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) Section 501(c)(3) status.


The complexities of the referral, authorization, and reimbursement process under the Medi-Cal system requires one centralized entity to coordinate and oversee the financial transactions in order to ensure proper auditing measures and oversight of funding. HHOC would address homelessness in Orange County and a multitude of services including:

  • Housing Navigation
  • Housing Deposits
  • Housing Sustainability
  • Short-Term Post Hospitalization Housing
  • Day Rehabilitation


Full letter text here.
