July 25, 2017

Rep. Correa Joins 88 House Democrats To Urge Bipartisan Path to Improve Affordable Care Act

Washington, D.C.—Congressman Lou Correa joined 88 of his Democratic colleagues, and sent a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan outlining a bipartisan path to improving the Affordable Care Act.

Seven percent of Americans purchase health plans in the individual insurance market, where insurance premiums have skyrocketed and some insurers have ceased participation.

Rep. Correa said, “I strongly support the Affordable Care Act. For millions of Americans, the ACA provided better and more affordable care, but I recognize that—for some—there is still work to be done. I urge my Republican colleagues to join us in fixing these flaws and creating a bipartisan system that works for every American. Healthcare is t0o important to be politicized. America is counting on us.”