May 15, 2019

Investing In Our Partnership With Israel

The strong relationship that the United States and Israel enjoy is deeply rooted in the common bonds shared by both nations. To ensure the success and safety of the United States and Israel, it is vital that we continue to work together to strengthen our security and promote peace. During the 115th Congress, I have supported legislation that builds on the work to protect Israel and ensure our prosperity in the future. To gain a more profound understanding of the rich history and the bonds that unite us, I joined a Congressional delegation to Israel during my first year in office.

  • Two-State Solution: I sent a letter to President Trump urging him to support a two-state solution. 
  • Eliminating Barriers to Peace: I supported legislation (H. Res. 11), which calls for the U.N. Security Council to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship.
  • Against Israel Divestment: I supported legislation (H.R. 1697, Israel Anti-Boycott Act), which opposes the United Nations Human Rights Council urging countries to pressure companies to divest from or break contracts with Israel. 
  • Enhanced U.S.-Israel Cooperation: I supported H.R. 1697, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, which opposes the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 and encouragescoordinated U.S.-Israel scientific and technological cooperation in civilian areas. I also supported legislation (H.R. 5141, United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018), which would provide defense and security assistance for Israel. 
  • Protecting Israel: I supported legislation (H.R. 1698, the Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions Enforcement Act), which expands sanctions against Iran with respect to Iran’s ballistic missile program. I also supported legislation (H.R. 4012, NIE on Iranian Proxy Forces Act), which would evaluate Iranian support of proxy forces in Syria and Lebanon that pose a threat to Israel.
  • Protecting Economic Relationship: I supported legislation (H. Res. 218), which recognizes the importance of the United States-Israel economic relationship and encouraging new areas of cooperation.