June 05, 2024


WASHINGTON — Today, Representative Lou Correa (CA-46) announced that the House of Representatives voted to pass his bipartisan legislation to designate the Federal Anaheim Post Office at 333 W. Broadway in Anaheim, California as the Dr. William Kott Post Office—honoring the life of the decorated U.S. Army veteran who served during World War II, took part in the Battle of the Bulge after walking across three countries, and was one of the liberators of the Buchenwald Nazi concentration camp during his service.

Within days of its introduction, Correa’s legislation was marked up and passed out of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform with unanimous, bipartisan support. Now, after House passage, the bill awaits a floor vote in the United States Senate.

“It’s rare to find an individual whose acts of service are not just actions they take, but who they are. Dr. Kott stands tall as a shining example of this ideal—offering to make the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, and continuing to serve the community that raised him upon his return home. And to be able to preserve his memory through this work today is an honor,” Correa said. “Dr. Kott’s service to the City of Anaheim, Orange County, and this country must be recognized and celebrated, and will be soon, in the community he served, where his legacy will live on to inspire for years to come. I look forward to seeing this legislation pass the United States Senate and make its way to President Biden’s desk.”

For his service during WWII, Dr. Kott received two Bronze Battle Stars, the EAM Campaign Medal, The Combat Infantry Medal, The WWll Victory Medal, The French Legion of Honor Medal and other accolades. Upon his departure from the Army, Dr. Kott earned his AS, BS, and DDS degrees in Southern California and opened a very successful dental practice before returning to school to become a maxilla-facial surgeon. His passion for dentistry led him to continue his education at 60 years old, when he earned his MD at UCI Medical School. Dr. Kott had numerous accomplishments and professional affiliations during his long dental/medical career, in which he practiced until age 89.

This commemorative effort is also supported by Anaheim Mayor Pro Tem Natalie Rubalcava (District 3), Anaheim Historical Society, Anaheim Public Library Foundation, Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD), Anaheim Community Foundation (ACF), Anaheim Veterans Assistance Group, and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). You can read letters of support from these individuals and organizations HERE.

"As a family, we are incredibly humbled and honored by this tribute. William Kott led an exemplary life from humble beginnings and very limited resources. Through very difficult circumstances and with hard work, sacrifice and perseverance, he was able to achieve the American Dream,” said Paul T. Kott, son of the late Dr. William Kott. “Dad served his country with distinction, served his community with passion, served his family with love and dedication, and served his God with commitment. He will be remembered for his patriotism and commitment to promoting freedom and what that can do to fuel the human spirit to achievements beyond one's dreams.”

When not working and pursuing more education, Mr. Kott was very politically active in Orange County, serving as the Chairman of the Californian Republican Assembly of OC. Dr. Kott served on several boards and commissions during his decades of community service, but most notably as a member of Anaheim City Council (April 1976-1979) as well as Mayor Pro Tempore during his term. You can learn more about Dr. Kott’s legacy HERE.

Led by Correa, this bipartisan legislation was co-sponsored by the entire California Congressional Delegation, including: Representatives Doug LaMalfa (CA-01), Jared Huffman (CA-02), Kevin Kiley (CA-03), Mike Thompson (CA-04), Tom McClintock (CA-05), Ami Bera (CA-06), Doris Matsui (CA-07), John Garamendi (CA-08), Josh Harder (CA-09), Mark DeSaulnier (CA-10), Nancy Pelosi (CA-11), Barbara Lee (CA-12), John Duarte (CA-13), Eric Swalwell (CA-14), Kevin Mullin (CA-15), Anna Eshoo (CA-16), Ro Khanna (CA-17), Zoe Lofgren (CA-18), Jimmy Panetta (CA-19), Jim Costa (CA-21), David G. Valadao (CA-22), Jay Obernolte (CA-23), Salud Carbajal (CA-24), Raul Ruiz (CA-25), Julia Brownley (CA-26), Mike Garcia (CA-27), Judy Chu (CA-28), Tony Cárdenas (CA-29), Adam Schiff (CA-30), Grace Napolitano (CA-31), Brad Sherman (CA-32), Pete Aguilar (CA-33), Jimmy Gomez (CA-34), Norma Torres (CA-35), Ted Lieu (CA-36), Sydney Kamlager-Dove (CA-37), Linda Sánchez (CA-38), Mark Takano (CA-39), Young Kim (CA-40), Ken Calvert (CA-41), Robert Garcia (CA-42), Maxine Waters (CA-43), Nanette Barragán (CA-44), Michelle Steel (CA-45), Katie Porter (CA-47), Darrell Issa (CA-48), Mike Levin (CA-49), Scott Peters (CA-50), Sara Jacobs (CA-51), and Juan Vargas (CA-52).

You can read the full text of the legislation HERE.