May 10, 2024

Correa, Steel Introduce Resolution Condemning Vietnamese Government's Human Rights Abuses

WASHINGTON - Today, ahead of Vietnam Human Rights Day, Congressional Vietnam Caucus Co-chairs, Reps. Lou Correa (CA-46) and Michelle Steel (CA-45) introduced a resolution Condemning the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) for imprisoning independent journalists, human rights defenders, religious figures, and dissidents in Vietnam.

“For the past 25 years, alongside Rep. Steel, I've served Orange County’s Little Saigon—one of the largest Vietnamese American communities in the United States—and am all too familiar with the human rights abuses impacting my constituents’ friends and families in Vietnam," said Rep. Correa. "We will never stop fighting to hold the Vietnamese government accountable for its staunch human rights violations--at home, and in the halls of the United States Congress."

“The Communist Party of Vietnam’s human rights record is unacceptable and demands complete and total condemnation by all people who value freedom and democracy,” said Rep. Steel. “As Co-chair of the Congressional Vietnam Caucus, I have met with the Vietnamese refugees and families of the CPV’s political prisoners. Their experiences and stories are horrifying and heartbreaking. The United States must be resolute in our efforts to pressure the CPV to improve its human rights situation. That is why I am proud to join with Congressman Correa in this effort to hold the Vietnamese government accountable and stand with innocent Vietnamese citizens and their loved ones in the United States.”

The full text of the resolution can be viewed here.
