September 25, 2024


WASHINGTON — Today, Representative Lou Correa (CA-46) voted to avert a government shutdown and released the following statement:

“I just voted to keep the government open for its citizens, and to ensure that our national security isn’t put at risk,” Correa said. “I joined a bipartisan coalition of my colleagues—Democrat and Republican—to avoid a disastrous government shutdown, and ensure those most-vulnerable in our communities continue to get the support they need. I’ll never leave our troops, our federal employees, or Orange County seniors, veterans, and families behind. This CR also included much-needed funding for the Secret Service to ensure that they can better and fully protect our presidential candidates before the November election; so that voters decide who their next president is, not an assassin’s bullet. This is how Congress is supposed to work—Democrats and Republicans coming together to deliver for the American people.”

“I call on my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to put political gamesmanship aside and pass clean government spending bills that will fully fund our veteran services—including the $12 billion shortfall facing the Department—protect our constituents, and keep our government open for its citizens,” he concluded.