December 19, 2017

Congressman Correa Wants Real Tax Reform For California

Washington, DC—Today, Congressman Lou Correa released this statement following the passage of the new tax bill:

“In November I voted ‘NO’ on the tax bill because it was bad for California. Today, I voted ‘NO’ for the same reason. California is already a donor state to the federal government. This tax bill only makes it worse.

Californians need tax reform. As the fifth largest economy in the world, Californians need federal tax policy that creates jobs, empowers our local businesses, helps California, and helps Main Street. Unfortunately, this bill doesn’t do that.

This bill forces hardworking Californians to pay more to offset expensive tax cuts for America’s most well off. According to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Centers, 86 million households will see their taxes increase, with 83% of the tax cuts going to the top 1%.

As a Congressman, I need to support legislation that helps our neighbors, our working families, and our small businesses here in California. This bill doesn’t do that.”