May 25, 2022

Congressman Correa At White House

Joins President Biden to Increase Public Trust and Improve Public Safety in our Communities

Washington, D.C. — Today, Congressman Lou Correa (D-CA) attended President Biden’s signing of the Executive Order to build public trust and strengthen public safety and issued the following statement:
"President Biden's Executive Order is a positive step forward in promoting accountability, transparency, and the principles of equality in law enforcement and the criminal justice system as a whole. It is our responsibility to build a bridge of trust that improves law enforcement efficiency while also improving public safety.
The Executive order will also require the use of the federal agency's guidance, training, technical assistance to support reforms at state, tribal, local, and territorial law enforcement agencies to improve public trust and safety across the country.
To protect the safety of our officers and the well-being of those in need, we must provide them with the correct training and tools. It's also important to remember that our officers are often the first people on the scene when folks with mental illnesses are involved. Therefore, police commonly undertake the duties of both law enforcement and social work. I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure our communities and law enforcement safety”
Background: The Executive Order will also provide:
  • New methods of recruitment
  • Mandate implementations of body-worn camera policies
  • Incentivize improvements at the state and local levels by using all relevant levers, such as federal funding and technical assistance, to support these reforms.
  • Support to state and local governments to follow the federal model, by participating in the accountability database and implementing de-escalation-focused standards. 
  • Required efforts to improve criminal civil rights investigation and prosecution, such as requiring the publication of best practices for independent investigations and improving coordination to address systemic misbehavior through pattern-or-practice cases.
  • Restricting the use of no-knock entries and prohibits chokeholds and carotid restraints unless deadly force is permitted. 
  • The Executive Order to direct all Federal LEAs to adopt policies prohibiting chokeholds and carotid restraints unless lethal force is authorized. Restricts the use of no-knock entries to a limited set of circumstances, such as when an announced entry would pose an imminent threat of physical violence.