
Each year, Members of Congress have an opportunity to participate in the annual appropriations process by submitting programmatic, language, and project requests to the House Committee on Appropriations. There are 3 types of requests for the twelve appropriations bills. The links to submit your requests are below. Please email if you have any questions.

  • Programmatic requests: A request to fund a specific program in the bill at a specified level.
    • Example: Provide $200,000,000 for the ReConnect program.
  • Language requests: A request to include specific bill or report language that does not direct funding to a particular entity but encourages, urges, or directs some type of action by an agency.
    • Example: The Committee encourages USDA to study the impact of expanded broadband on rural communities’ economic prosperity.
  • Community Project Funding (CPF) requests: A funding request for a specific governmental or other eligible entity to carry out a specific community project. Formerly known as earmarks.
    • Example: Provide $500,000 for a specific non-profit in the district or for a government entity to carry out a community project.

Programmatic/Language Requests

To submit programmatic/language requests, please fill out the form here:


Community Project Funding Requests

California's 46th Congressional District is home to many cities, organizations, and institutions working on important projects that receive funding from the federal government. In order to be sure that I am hearing from my constituents, I have set up this page to solicit community funding project requests. Please take the time to let me know more about your community funding project request, and how my office can be helpful to you.

Past Projects:

  • A list of the approved Fiscal Year 2022 projects for CA-46 can be found here.
  • A list of the approved Fiscal Year 2023 projects for CA-46 can be found here.
  • A list of the approved Fiscal Year 2024 projects for CA-46 can be found here.
  • A list of the approved Fiscal Year 2025 projects for CA-46 can be found here.

Currently, the House Committee on Appropriations has not yet noticed the appropriations process for FY’26. However, my office is accepting early CPF requests for FY’26 with guidelines based on FY’25. 

To submit a Community Project Funding request, please fill out the form here: